in praktijk

Literatuur bij Peer van der Helm (2018). Hoop op het gewone leven voor kinderen die het niet getroffen hebben. PIP 23 (102), 24-28.

Anglin, J.P (2014). Pain, normality, and the struggle for congruence: Reinterpreting residential care for children and youth. Oxford: Routeledge.

Giltaij, H.P. (2017). Diagnostic Assessment of Attachment Related Disorders in Children with Intellectual Disability. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.

Stams, G.J.J.M. & Helm, G.H.P. van der (2017). What works in residential programs for aggressive and violent youth? Treating youth at risk for aggressive and violent behavior in (secure) residential care. In P. Sturmey (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression 116. DOI: 10.1002/9781119057574.

Umbach, R., Raine, A., & Leonard, N. (2017). Cognitive decline as a result of incarceration and the effects of a CBT/MT intervention. A cluster-randomized controlled trial. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/0093854817736345.

Vansteenkiste, M. & Soenens, B. (2015). Vitamines voor groei. Den Haag: Acco.

Wolf, K.T. & Baglivio, M.T. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences, negative emotionality and pathways to juvenile recidivism. Crime and Delinquency 1495-1521. DOI: 10.1177/0011128715627469.

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